Coach Corona informed me the other day of a pretty decent athlete in another track event that just up and quit, three days into the season. When he asked why, the student responded, “this is just so hard!”
Well, it is! Duh. But I would say in response, “so what if it is?” Does everything in life have to be easy? Is our time on the planet best spent in pursuit of things that are easy, activities that don’t require work? Is that all there is?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we ought be weirdoes deliberately looking for pain and suffering. That’s not the point. What I am saying though is a truth I’ve learned in my life. Here it is: So often, the most challenging pursuits in life, the efforts that really take a truck load of concentration, discipline, and flat out work, bring the greatest rewards. Those who can withstand it, are those who reap a payday that is simply indescribable.
I feel sorry for that kid. There was talent there, enough talent that given time and effort, that athlete could have walked off the track just glowing in the light of accomplishment. But the pursuit of what’s easy, what’s comfortable, derailed that potential and complacency took over. Too bad.
It’s interesting … the very day that Coach Corona gave me the word, I was watching you all busting your butts on the track, working hard, suffering, straining, trying wring from your bodies every ounce of improvement you could. Good for you! I’m continually impressed by every teenager, decent athlete or not, who has figured out that the path to success is not a smooth one, easily tread, but it’s a mountain to climb, it takes daily effort and a continual view of the incredible rewards that will come to those who keep on keeping on.