And that's OK. There are plenty of folks at the other end of the spectrum that you wish would just shut up.
But as you get to know Jason Schupp (pronounced "Shoop") you realize he's actually shouting, just in a quiet sort of way.
He's a big guy, some 6'5" give-or-take, which makes you wish his name was Ben. But bigger than stature, is the size of heart and drive and determination and team play. These are the words Jason Schupp shouts daily without saying much at all. His talk is his walk ... the pathway of character and hard work is well worn by his size 12's. His destination is success and accomplishment.
Watch him race and you'll hear the scream, "GUTS!". His work ethic yells, "follow me." His tenacity proclaims, "this is how it's done." He could be the spokesman for the Silent Minorty, and like the character of comic-book lore, I've come to affectionately refer to him as "Schupperman!"
He says little in my presence, but in the three years I've had to get to know him, I've come to accept that that's OK. That's Jason, and according to the reports from his teammates, this Redwood does make noise. (Maybe I need to venture into the woods more often!)
We're at the starting line of his fourth season, but I bet it's gonna be his best ever.
You just watch ... and listen!