This week we asked the athletes to write what they do to contribute to "Team Spirit" one of the top blocks of Wooden's Pyramide of Success. Here is what many wrote
"This season I haven't contributed very much team spirit, but I've noticed that Carrie Soholt always cheers everyone on to do their best, even if she's not feeling good, and I want to be like Carrie."
I contrubute team sprirt to our team by, encouraging people on our hard days, they arent easy and sometimes a little "keep going" will make someone finsh a workout!:)
Taylar Amiot
With ones ability to encourage one another, can lead to overall success for each and everyone. -- Kaelyn Manning
When other races are going on I try to go around the course and cheer our team on, right now I am working on taking initiative and trying to do things without having to be asked first around our tents. -- Ryan Gibeault
I contribute to the team by leading by example.. Chris Miller
“As being one of the leaders of the team, I try to radiate a positive mindset without coming off as being prideful. My hope is to make everyone work harder, run faster, and help newcomers to the team feel like they are apart of this wonderful team and family of KXC. That is my team spirit." Lane Werley
I can show my team spirit by just talking to everyone else on the team and genuinely asking them how their practices, races, the season, and injuries are going for them and by being supportive and encouraging in both their accomplishments and trials. --Claire Bradford
To increase team spirit, I always try to cheer for and encourage all my teammates at races. --Kimberli Graham
"Most teams don't do the whole 'team bonding' thing. They only know each other during practice/game/match/meet. Our team goes the extra mile, literally and figuratively, to befriend our teammates. Spaghetti dinner shows how we genuinely care about one another and bond as friends. Plus, we runners never miss a good meal." -- Joey Tompkins
"One of the ways I show team spirit is by cheering for my team mates to do their best." - lauren soholt
"Every day, i go to practice with a positive outlook and excitement, for i know that I am contributing to something bigger than me. I'm contributing to a team." -Ryan Rasmussen
Team Spirit is letting your teammate borrow your watch when your not using it, it's showing up to practice and recording times for a hard-workout when you can't run and you could be at home in the air-conditioning! Team spirit is bringing noise-makers to races and taking your teammates' sweats at the starting line before their race . . . . . Emma
“I have made team spirit happen by telling some of the cross-country runners they did a good job on their workout and that they are improving.”-Mireya Ascencio
I help contribute to team spirit by cheering my teammates on at the races. Aubrey Kent
I try to outwardly display the lessons I've learned over my 4 years of running, consistency, positive attitude, diligence, the importance of team work and listening to the coaches. Members of any team need to know whats expected/ desired of them and I find that the best way to help my team mates is to be an example myself. – Chris Miller
You are always cheering for me so I will always cheer for you!- Jessie
I show team spirit by always having a positive attitude no matter what - Cayla Kim
My team spirit is through friendships. Im always willing to halp out a teammate with whatever they may need.- Courtney Girard
With the inspiration part i wish i could talk to more than just one person and a whole group about things but the truth is everyone is different so i try to help one at a time. When I'm walking with someone when we are at a meet and they happen to say a negative comment about their racing i always talk to them by telling them you can run as fast as you think you can and elaborate on that telling them that if they want to go sub 17 and they are running a 17 30 i always tell them that they work to hard to come off short. i often try to give them a strategy on how to tackle the race, when they tell me "I'm not going to be top JV or Varsity or make it to Mammoth or make it to Clovis because him/her is in front of me" i tell them well if your complaining about going obviously you wish you could go and then i tell them well stop wishing and beat them work harder than them do something where your no longer moping but achieving something you worked for. every time i talk to someone on the team i always bring up a poem by Marianne Williamson and here it is:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear in that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel unsure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
As we let our own Light shine,
we consciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
I always base it off of that poem because it is absolutely true.I like to see the word integrity as acting the same way when everybody is watching and when nobody is around also as to be the same with everyone. I'm still working on being a better model for integrity but it is contagious to others when they see me pick up trash that isn't mine. Today actually someone drop three dollars in the lunch line and i walked up and told him he dropped his money before anyone could steal it. sure i didn't know the guy but i would do the same for a friend why not a stranger. I really feel bad when i miss my chance to show my integrity but from what i am taught being guilty is good because it helps you correct the mistake later. just like my inspirational talks with individuals ill do it with anybody if they are willing to listen and come to me or just be around me and i catch a chance to. I do make a lot of sacrifices for my teammates i always try to help someone on our team while i am busy whether it be something as small as a ride way out of my way or for favors on school help or paying for lunch even though I'm very short on cash ( I don't know why i tell them not to pay me back and yet they still do).
Finally the smile a lot of people don't really catch me not smiling and its true i smile even when I'm really sad over something only because i see their is no use in having a frown over something sad because it doesn't fix anything it only brings people down around us but its the same with a smile its contagious when one smiles the other can help but to at least smirk. Even when i am the butt of every joke it doesn't really matter to me but ill still smile even if it doesn't happen to hurt a bit but that's rarely its really hard to get me too feel sad over a joke or what someone says. Some say its a sacrifice to smile even when I'm sad but it really isn't in my point of view because i see frowns as something that are face muscles shouldn't allow. All i know God put me on this Earth for a purpose and i think its to inspire and make people happy it took me years of Catholic classes but i figured it out and im inspiring kids in my church by telling them my 180 of a turn around in my faith and i inspire those on my team but letting them know what they can achieve and how it is limitless. but finally keeping a smile to let those around me know that if i can shine my light so can they. thats all i got to say about that. I'm glad you had us write you something on what we contribute. –Rafi Perez
"I seek out the opportunity to motivate or encourage others instead of sitting back and not taking initiative." - Brandon Berz
what I do for team spirit is cheer on others, attend ever night out the girls have but I also feel like I could do more and the people who inspire me to do that are Baleigh,Carrie,Raelyn,Lauren,Emma,Taylar,and Cayla. -Ali Clayton
I show team spirit through participating and helping plan girls days and always encouraging others and letting my teammates know that if they need anything I am always here. And standing along side the course cheering for each and everyone of them. - Samantha Enriquez
"Every day, i go to practice with a positive outlook and excitement, for i know that I am contributing to something bigger than me. I'm contributing to a team." -Ryan Rasmussen
“I have made team spirit happen by telling some of the cross-country runners they did a good job on their workout and that they are improving.”-Mireya Ascencio
Team Spirit is letting your teammate borrow your watch when your not using it, it's showing up to practice and recording times for a hard-workout when you can't run and you could be at home in the air-conditioning! Team spirit is bringing noise-makers to races and taking your teammates' sweats at the starting line before their race . . . . . Emma
As an individual I show team spirit by cheering everyone on, I love being there at the start line, giving them a good job along the way and waiting there at the finish for EVERYONE to finish. - Morgan Sherman
I believe that I show team spirit by showing others how to do specific exercises for their injuries and giving them my advise on how to endure injury seasons. I want them to get better quickly because I truly understand what it is like to be injured.- Carrie Soholt
I help contribute to our team spirit by offering advice to the rookies and underclassmen and also by encouraging my teammates to own me in races."- Ethan McAbee
"I feel my way of showing team spirit is by getting to know all my teammates, especially the new runners, and encouraging them as we get to know eachother, also lettign them know i'm there for them on and off the course"- Raelyn Werley
i think i show team spirit by desiring whats best for the team and trying to always be there for them whether its trying to bring us together by having an ice cream party or asking someone how there run was/is going, i always try to be encouraging. I think our team does that well and its easy to encourage our team because we have a lot of positive attitudes. – Aubrey Bowman
"One of the ways I show team spirit is by cheering for my team mates to do their best."- lauren soholt
I believe that I show team spirit by showing others how to do specific exercises for their injuries and giving them my advise on how to endure injury seasons. I want them to get better quickly because I truly understand what it is like to be injured.- Carrie Soholt
To contribute to team spirit on KXC, I try my hardest to put my own complaints/injuries/problems behind me and focus more on helping others gain a more positive attitude. –Lori Dajose
What I thought team spirit was to me was not only encouraging others to run harder, but to be dedicated to the sport and do whatever it takes to do your best. – Tim Pungaew