Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hell has officially not frozen over. This week proved that. With school starting, temperatures hovering at 105 and above and then monsoonal humidity -- goodness. This one was a tough one.
But you know, tough weeks are part of life. They sneek in usually when things are on cruise control, like a culdesac on the boulevard. Just when you got things nailed down, a hurricane of adversity comes in and rips up the plywood over your windows.

Running can be like this week. You're cruising along and then -- WHAM -- a tough mile jumps on your back like a monkey. Or you think you've got the race won and then -- WHAM -- some dude in black jersey goes by you.

It's tough, but adversity is part of life. The sooner we can accept this notion, the more equipped we are to handle it when it jumps from the shadows with a big "Boo!" It's kindof like Knotts Scary Farm -- why everyone gets the creeps when they know the goolies are gonna jump out at them (that's why they paid money to get in the park) is beyond me.

So let's not get freaked out over a week that didn't go well. The streets of Adverse City are not paved with gold, but there are roads out of town.

Let's hit the road!


  1. Who painted this picture?

  2. It's called "Long Hard Road" by John Kingerlee.
