Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Going the Distance ... Sara Strasbaugh

Sara's time with King XC has been one of disappointment and victory. She's been steady as a rock, very predictable in what she gives out, but along the way she's experienced some bumbs in the road that could have sent her reeling to the sidelines, another one of many who walked away when it got hard or disapppointing. But rather than take the easy way out, she's persevered and has enjoyed great rewards as a result.

Her sophomore year may well have been the lowest point for her. Struggling through what seemed to be chronic injuries, she visited a doctor who told the 15 year old, "you should probably quit running." I remember her telling me the report with tears streaming down her face.

Time was spent healing and rehabbing, and instead of following the advice, she came back stronger than ever. Her Junior year in track was a special time of sweet success, made all the tastier from the dry days of injury and waiting. She ran spectacularly in the 800, establishing herself as one of King's all-time fastest.

She says she came out as a 9th grader in order to run, it was the running and the competing that brought her to the line. However, through the years she's learned that there is more to running than running; there's the bond of teammates, the advice and admonition of coaches, the lessons of life learned only on the road.

She's done well. She refused to quit when it seemed like the answer. She was patient even when the clock refused to slow. She endured and has seen the vistas that come only through the trials of life.

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