Friday, September 26, 2008

Shared Sacrifice, Shared Glory

In the pre-dawn darkness this morning I was reminded again of an old truth; in shared sacrifice, there comes shared glory.

Nothing good comes in life without some kind of sacrifice. Want to make a million bucks? Better accept long hours at the office. Want a great marriage? Better learn to compromise. Want a nice car? Sign up for big monthly payments. You get the idea.

But here, today, in the dark, our team emerged from their beds to begin an early morning workout, before school. It was dark enough that the track needed illumination from a couple sets of headlights. Bed heads bobbed in the blackness, making their bodies move in unison, on pace with their goals.

By the time the sun rose, our spirits seemed to rise as well. As I watched and cheered, I realized that most if not all, were lifted on the winds of progress, and accomplishment, discovering that this sacrifice of sleep and tradition -- could and will bring great reward.

We are doing great things, of which the developing discipline is foremost. And it is that very chiseling of our character that will, when the time is right, bring great reward and glory, a destination of attainment that will be shared by all and made all the sweeter because we all made it happen in the twilight of sacrifice. And there, in the bright light of success we would do well to remember that in the darkness of morning you found the secret truth; great rewards are born in the sacrifices of many.

Well done, team!

1 comment:

  1. We are constantly amazed at the effort and loyalty of your runners, Coach. The idea that teenagers would get up and run at 5:45 AM--and do it in such a classy fashion--is amazing. This kind of effort doesn't happen by accident. The kids are inspired to do great things because you EXPECT them to do great things. Thank you for that!
