Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Race is On!

Our unofficial motto of King Distance running is "The Race is On!" The meaning of it seems simple enough; when the gun goes off, you better not delay. Get going. Don't dilly-dally. Stall and you'll be left behind.

But have you given thought to how to race? Here are some tips from one of America's best 5K runners, Tim Broe:

1. Understand your body better. As you train, pay attention to how your body feels at different points of the practice. Memorize those feelings, so that when you get to that point in the race, you recognize it and know it. Fewer surprises mean better performances.

2. Visualize a race in workouts. The mind is a powerful thing. If I had a buck for every talented runner I've coached who couldn't race well because they harbored mental doubts about their ability to race, well, I'd have enough for dinner! While training, know why you're doing the workout you're doing. Understand how it simulates what will come in a race. Then, while practicing, let your mind imagine that it actually is the race. Mentally, you've raced several times a week before you physically have to go out and do it.

3. Get focused well before race time. Broe says: "Too many runners, especially high schoolers, take a 'whatever' attitude, fooling around and talking and only start to focus a minute or two before the race. That's too late."

4. Think about where you're going to be in the race. Knowing a bit about your competition (staying up on http://www.dyestatcal.com/ is a good way) allows you to find the proper place you belong in the field. Most of won't lead or win, so prepare by understanding where you should be.

5. Don't predetermine your finish place. This is a killer! If you think you'll get beat, you probably will. If you think you're going to win and then don't, you're fried! Go back to #4 and have a PLAN for the race, knowing that the ultimate goal of the race is to beat as many people as you can. After the gun, do the best you can!

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